Internship Seminar

Giving Traditional College Students Real World Experience and New Career Paths

While the AIR curriculum was originally developed with working professionals in mind, AIR has created a version for a University level audience. The semester-long Internship seminar teaches students collaboration and business skills, while placing them in real-life working situations. Internship hosts are trained mentors and have specific projects for the students to complete, to ensure a meaningful experience.

During the semester, students are required to attend networking events outside of the University-setting to help them develop career connections and provide diverse experiences. They also develop their own career plan and action steps for when they graduate. The seminar is a valuable way for students to learn and apply business tools that they will use for years to come.

Community College

Meeting non-traditional students and displaced workers where they are

We are working with Big Sandy Community & Technical College in Kentucky and BridgeValley Community & Technical College in West Virginia to package and refine the Shift Workshop and the Internship Seminar for Workforce Development and Continuing Education programs.