Marketing is the conversation you have with your audience or customer. But it’s very difficult to talk with everyone. It’s much easier to talk with smaller groups who have something in common. You can be more directed in your conversation. Target markets are just subgroups of your large, potential audience that you decide are most likely to appreciate your conversation and project.

Thanks to the Internet, we have access to new conversation tools like social media. And we can identify our target market a lot faster because we can search for our audience across the entire world.

This doesn’t mean that you don’t have to work—cutting through the white noise of the Internet isn’t easy. But you don’t have to spend money on print advertising, billboards, tv ads, or phone calls anymore. You just have to invest in a good conversation.

Key Competencies

  • Marketing
  • Social Media
  • Using Technology
  • Paradigm Shift
  • Business Planning
  • Project Design, Planning & Management
  • Collaboration
  • Creative Thinking
  • Interactive Arts Experiences

Additional Resources

Other Shift Workshops