Community Engagement, Partnership & Program Manager at Reynolds Homestead, Virginia Tech
Five Words About Me:
Passionate, Optimistic, Empathetic, Enthusiastic
One Surprising Skill:
I previously owed a Yoga studio where I taught 3-4 times a week!
Sarah Wray serves as the Community Engagement, Partnerships and Program manager at Reynolds Homestead where she facilitates stakeholder groups, and develops programs and initiatives designed to engage the public in art, culture, and lifelong learning opportunities. Sarah works to bring people and resources together for the betterment of the broader community. She received her B.A. from James Madison University in Interdisciplinary Liberal Studies with a concentration in Early Childhood Education and Women’s Studies. She is currently pursuing a Masters of Urban and Regional Planning from Virginia Tech concentrating on community engagement and nonprofit management in rural communities. Sarah co-founded a nonprofit organization, One Family Productions, in 2013 which works to support community enrichment and growth through the creation of meaningful partnerships and accessible events. Her experience and passion are centered about people, creativity, and access to opportunity. Her professional and personal endeavors continue to expand as the needs of the community do.