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Air Serves Across the Nation: positive community spread
Air has regional and statewide Affiliates and Certified Facilitators across the country. We’re in nineteen states and growing at the speed of community demand. Click on a state to discover how you can get involved.
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Tennessee’s artistic heritage and cultural assets are among the richest in the nation. Tennessee is a hub of creative innovation, technology and performing arts, a state where classic meets cutting edge. The Tennessee Arts Commission is the statewide partner connecting artists and creatives with Air programs. With a focus on rural and Appalachian communities, TAC is eager to partner with Air Collaborative to better serve these communities. Air’s programs align with the Commission’s strategic plan by incentivizing collaboration, supporting community vibrancy through the arts, and by investing in initiatives that improve quality of life for Tennesseans. Since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, the TAC has assisted Air Collaborative with testing virtual Air Shift Workshops and facilitator training. The testing has been successful. Both Air and the Commission are ready to help rural Appalachian communities empower their citizens through productive partnerships between business, government and the arts.
Tennessee Arts Commission
Shannon Ford
Director of Community Arts Development
[email protected]
Tennessee Arts Commission
Melissa Moody
Art Builds Communities Coordinator
[email protected]
Our Stories

Led by Christy Dunn and Terri Morris, Johnson County held their Engage Workshop 2/16/23, and their Shift Workshop March 13-15, 2023. We can’t wait to see the progress on their Butterfly Garden and Weigh Station!

Led by Dominic Gialdini, Grundy County held their Engage Workshop 12/8/22, and their Shift Workshop March 31-April 2, 2023. Look out for their project “Hungry for Community.”

Hamblen County work is led by Beccy Hamm and Deborah Miksa. Stay tuned for registration information their Shift Workshop at The Rose Center.

Cocke County work is led by Deborah Bahr. They held their Engage workshop 2/28/23 with support from Deborah Sowsower. Stay tuned for registration information for their May 19-22, 2023 Shift Workshop.