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Air Serves Across the Nation: positive community spread
Air has regional and statewide Affiliates and Certified Facilitators across the country. We’re in nineteen states and growing at the speed of community demand. Click on a state to discover how you can get involved.
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From bluegrass to beach music and from Smithfield Ham to Chesapeake Bay blue crab cakes and great wine, Virginia has a range of cultures and traditions providing a delightful hodgepodge of great food, music and art. Virginia Tech joined the Air family in 2017 and in April of 2018 Virginia Air hosted a pilot project, Air:Shift Patrick County, at the Reynolds Homestead, an offsite property of the university, located in rural, Critz, Virginia. The workshop produced three lively community projects: The Patrick County Barn Quilt Trail, The HANDS Trail, and the Rise and Shine Market. The first cohort of Patrick County Evolve presented their new venture ideas which ranged from a food hearse to a farm-to-table restaurant and brewery. A second Air:Shift Patrick County workshop was held at the Reynolds Homestead with three new projects emerging: Taking Root Community Garden; YEP! Youth Entrepreneurship Program and the Patrick County Mobile Heritage Unit. Virginia Tech values the Air Collaborative programs as a valuable tool for boosting creative economies. The university is committed to making Air programs accessible across the Commonwealth.
Reynolds Homestead
Julie Walters Steele
276 -694 – 7181 ext. 23
[email protected]