Marketing & Communications Manager at Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts
Five Words About Me:
Witty, extroverted, hard-working, compassionate, confident
One Surprising Skill:
Horseback riding (hunter over fences)
Deborah Sosower was born in Durham, NC. She earned a BA in fine arts with a concentration in feminist and gender studies at Bryn Mawr College (2005). She studied printmaking in Florence, Italy. In 2009, she earned an MFA at Pratt Institute. Deborah was adjunct professor at Kennessaw State University in Atlanta, GA (2013 – 2018) and formed a letterpress company, Deborah Sosower Print Studio, LLC. She was an inaugural WonderRoot Walthall Fellow (2012-2013) and an artist facilitator for the SouthWest Art & Social Engagement Project at Emory University (2013-2014). She has worked as a facilitator, nonprofit administrator, conference chair and registration coordinator, visiting artist, graphic designer and lecturer for organizations including SGC International, the Durham Arts Council, C4 Atlanta, the Women’s Refuge Network, the Creations Group, the Michael C. Carlos Museum, and Georgia Tech. She is currently the marketing and communications manager at Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts.