Want to bring AIR to your state?
If you live in states that aren’t yet participating, you may be able to help find implementation partners like state arts agencies, business incubators, economic development agencies, community foundations, higher education institutions, or other organizations that can help bring AIR to your state. Send us a message and we will help you figure out next steps and connect you to possible partners to assess demand for AIR programs in your state.
Imagine your community with more people empowered to:
- Pursue their artistic passions
- Create successful entrepreneurial ventures to revive our economy
- Enrich our cities and towns with new ideas, programs and creative places
- Break down barriers and stereotypes between people
- Build a stronger, more vibrant and livable community
For Participating States
If you live within one of the seven states where we currently work, click your state on this map to see more information. You will be able to read stories about the communities that are using AIR, see notice of any upcoming workshops and trainings, see contact information for the lead organization in your state, and meet the facilitators who are working near you.
If your community is not already using AIR, check out all the materials on the ABBBA Workshop page. Read through the materials about hosting the ABBBA mini workshop, and if you think your community is ready for this, contact the lead organization staff in your state: they will help you with the next steps for hosting a workshop. If you are interested in becoming a facilitator, please review the materials on the Facilitators page, then connect with the contact staff listed on your state’s page.