Our mental models influence how we view art, creativity, business, and community. We all have misconceptions about art and business, as well as about left- and right-brain thinking models. In order for the Shift to truly take place, everyone has to challenge their mental models. Art and business are better together. Key Competencies
Who Are We?
SpiderSavvy2022-04-06T21:26:07-04:00A key to increasing the value of creativity in our communities is finding common ground between normally unconnected groups so new collaborations can flourish. We can all help promote collaboration by becoming good listeners and better communicators. Remembering that we are not all alike, that we have different ways of processing information, thinking and
Paradigm Shift
SpiderSavvy2022-04-06T21:44:19-04:00Creativity and the arts are poised to take a new role and value in our communities. There is a Paradigm Shift taking place that is encouraging collaboration between the world of creativity and the world of business. This Shift places a higher value on the act of creation and innovation, giving artists new ideas