We all have a shared vision—to raise the value of arts and creativity in our communities. It starts with each of us. We hope that you commit to implementing the Shift into your life and your community. You are now part of a growing network of leaders and community builders who truly believe that we
Personal Action Plan
SpiderSavvy2022-04-07T15:01:51-04:00Develop a personal action plan that will take your personal Shift Statement from words to reality. Express your personal action plan in a way that reflects your personality using materials provided. Define what success means to you using SMART goals. And think about money. What do you need to earn to be successful? Write that

Licensing & Intellectual Property
SpiderSavvy2022-04-07T15:14:31-04:00One of the most challenging tasks for creative people is establishing value for our work. Everyone has a different mental model that influences how we feel about money and value. And everyone has a different definition of success. We are all looking for more ways to feel stable, safe, comfortable, and creative. But some struggle
Personal Shift Statement
SpiderSavvy2022-04-07T15:16:23-04:00Everything that you’ve experienced during this workshop can now be personalized for you. Now you need your own business plan. Which means you start with the vision — what do you want the outcome to be for yourself? What is your personal mission? Why are you on the planet? What do you want your legacy
Individual Coaching Session
SpiderSavvy2022-04-07T15:18:02-04:00You will have a fifteen minute coaching session with your Facilitator to help you identify action steps for moving forward with your own personal goals. Depending on the scheduled time of your session, you may be able to share your personal Shift Statement, Action Plan or other things you are thinking about related to either
Presentation Preparation
SpiderSavvy2022-04-07T15:20:58-04:00We’ve all witnessed great, inspiring presentations and speeches. There are a few lucky people who are able to speak off the cuff easily, but most of us need to practice. Today your team will wow us with a great opening that expresses the vision and outcome of your project. Then you’ll build out the
Presentation Skills
SpiderSavvy2022-04-06T21:50:53-04:00We’ve all witnessed great, inspiring presentations and speeches. There are a few lucky people who are able to speak off the cuff easily, but most of us need to practice. Tomorrow your team will wow us with a great opening that expresses the vision and outcome of your project. Then you’ll build out the

Prototyping, Testing, & Refining
SpiderSavvy2022-04-06T21:55:14-04:00Help is on the way! Now that you have your whole project mapped out, you’re going to share with another team. This isn’t exactly a prototyping exercise, but it is direct feedback and time for reflection and refinement. Use your Canvas to share your project and the details. You will not be judged for

Operations: Budget, Staffing, & Timeline
SpiderSavvy2022-04-06T21:59:16-04:00Now it’s time to put it all together—dig into the logistics of how your project will actually happen. What will it cost? What can you fundraise or earn for revenues? How will you staff it— consultants, paid staff, or volunteers? This work will likely significantly Shift your project. You will discover that your project
Marketing Goals & Strategy
SpiderSavvy2022-04-06T22:03:23-04:00Marketing is the conversation you have with your audience or customer. But it’s very difficult to talk with everyone. It’s much easier to talk with smaller groups who have something in common. You can be more directed in your conversation. Target markets are just subgroups of your large, potential audience that you decide are